Sunday, August 27, 2006

The magic WAN( T )D

Ever wondered...

1. Why do u want what u dont need?
2. How will u want wot u`ve got?
3. What will u want after all ur "wants" are granted?
4. When will u stop wanting?
5. How long will u want "the most wanted want"?
6. Which "want" will want u to "unwant" every "want"?
7. Can there be a "want" u`d never want?
8. Is a "want" the only want u`d ever want?
9. Do all the "wants", even want u?
10.Do "wants" want more "wantin" than u want to "want"?
11.What "want" will stop u wantin?
12. Why do u keep wanting what u really should not "want"?
13.What after all, is a "want"?

Friday, August 11, 2006

a ---------- l ---------- o ---------- n ---------- e

No man is an island but each one has a moat around his fort.

The volume of each one's moat generally remains the same. Its the height upto which the moat is filled which varies from time to time and person to person. When the water recedes, it would mean the person is getting into a state of solitude and contact with other people reduces.
One just needs to check the level of water in one's moat and check how lonely she is. You pour in more water, build more gateways and you get more connected. Just think of it, solitude and loneliness is a matter of choice.

But what happens when solitude is thrust upon you?
When you are in a strange land or weird situation. When all you have is the 'unknown'. Or when your environment has always been such that solitude is all that is 'known'. Or when it is self inflicted due to some reason. Maybe one's upbringing leads her to crave for solitude. It could be a need of self discovery or just a way of life. Sometimes its always there but denied or suppressed.

In all such times, fortification is heavy and there is ample opportunity for one to discover the land within. On the flip side, there are chances of slipping into a whirlpool of fear, boredom and a state of rot. This can make the fort barren from within.

Some people argue that staying alone and feeling lonely are two very distinct choices. They give a thumbs up to "staying alone" which is perceived as being independent and self sufficient

But seriously, how does it all matter if the fort is dead within.

p.s. I really dont know if I tried to communicate anything here, but I am sure those who have been through it can make sense of this.